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bilgisayarda cd dosyalarını nasıl açabilirim

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bu dosyaları nasıl açabilirim
21 Şubat 2018 hazal Yeni Kullanıcı (340 puan) tarafından soruldu

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2 Cevaplar

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Wikizero da şöyle bir bilgi var.

  • Video Manager (VMG) files:
    • VIDEO_TS.IFO file: the Video Manager (VMG) information file – stores control and playback information for the entire DVD – e. g. the First Play PGC (Program Chain),[20] locations of all Video Title Sets (VTS), table of titles, number of volumes, domains for multiple languages and regional and parental control settings, information about subtitles, audio tracks, etc. This file is required to be present on a DVD-compliant disc.[21]
    • VIDEO_TS.BUP file: the backup copy of the VIDEO_TS.IFO file. It is part of Video Manager (VMG).
    • VIDEO_TS.VOB file: the first-play Video Object of the DVD-Video disc, usually a copyright notice or a menu. It is part of Video Manager (VMG). This file is not required to be present on a DVD-compliant disc.
  • Video Title Set (VTS) files:
    • VTS_01_0.IFO file: stores control and playback information for the Video Title Set 01 – e. g. information about chapters, subtitles and audio tracks. A "VTS_zz_0.IFO" file (where "zz" is from 01 to 99) is required to be present on each VTS.[22]
    • VTS_01_0.BUP file: a backup copy of the VTS_01_0.IFO file. This file is required to be present on a DVD-compliant disc. It is part of Video Title Set (VTS).
    • VTS_01_0.VOB file: Video Title Set 01, Video Object 0, contains the menu for this title. This file is not required to be present on a DVD-compliant disc.
    • VTS_01_1.VOB file: Video Title Set 01, Video Object 1, contains the video for this title. At least one file "VTS_zz_1.VOB" is required in the VTS and each "VTS_zz_x". DVD-Video can contain up to 99 (1–99) titles with max 10 (0–9) VOB files each. The last possible VOB file is VTS_99_9.VOB.
    • … etc.

IFO files store control and playback information – e. g. information about chapters, subtitles and audio tracks. They do not store any video or audio data or subtitles.

BUP files are only backups of the IFO files.

Eğer amacınız Video dosyasını izlemekse, VLC player ile yapabilirsiniz.

VIDEO_TS.VOB dosyasını VLC player oynatma listesine attığınızda klasörde oynatılabilecek bir video dosyası varsa başlayacaktır.

21 Şubat 2018 cemkaan Yardımcı (1,100 puan) tarafından cevaplandı
22 Şubat 2018 cemkaan tarafından düzenlendi
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Resimdeki Dosyalar video Dosyasi, DVD yani, VLC Media Player ile Acabilirsiniz.
24 Şubat 2018 fullariza Yardımcı (750 puan) tarafından cevaplandı

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