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OsX işletim sistemlerinde kullanılam Ram Disk nasıl yapılır, gerçekten işe yarar mı ?

–1 oy
Creating a RAM Disk via Terminal

Open the Terminal app from Applications > Utilities and enter the following command:

diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'RAM Disk' `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://XXXXX`
Replace the X characters with a number that represents the block size for the total capacity of your RAM Disk. Calculate this number by multiplying your desired size of disk in megabytes by 2048. In our example, we’ll create a 4 GB RAM Disk, which requires a number of 8388608 (4096 * 2048). Input this number in place of the X characters in the command above:

diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'RAM Disk' `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://8388608`
OS X RAM Disk Terminal

You can also change the “Ram Disk” name inside the double quotes to another name you prefer. Once you’ve configured the command, press Return to launch it. After a brief moment, the system will create and mount your RAM Disk. You can now read and write to it as you would with any other drive, as long as you remember that any data stored on the disk will be lost after a reboot or power loss.

bu linkte gördüğüm bir şey ;

etkisi olur mu anlamadım sadece ana ekran bir ram disk diye bir şey açıldı ama herhangi bir yerde gözükmüyor.
4 Mart 2016 kazamaranka Yeni Kullanıcı (160 puan) tarafından soruldu

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