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Mac Bilgisayar mı Pc mi almak?

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Arkadaşlar maksimum bütçem 3500tl.Yazılım işleriyle uğraşmak için almayı düşünüyorum ve eski bilgisayarımda laptop pc de çok ısınma sorunu var.(ve fan çok ses çıkartıyor).Benim için dizüstü almak zorunlu değil masaüstü sistemde alabilirim.Fakat benim sorum maksimum 3500tl ile mac bilgisayar mı pc mi almak daha doğru olur?.Daha önce hiç bir mac kullanmadım.Aklımda büyük soru işaretleri var.Alarak sonradan da pişman olmak istemiyorum.Tavsiyeniz benim için çok önemli.Ona göre karar verip bir sistem alıp uzun süre sıkıntısız kullanmak istiyorum.Şu anki sistem 4yıllık(pc) alacağım sistemi de bir 4 yıl kadar kullanmak istiyorum arkadaşlar.
14 Haziran 2014 Mac Ailesi kategorisinde armegedonteam Yardımcı (500 puan) tarafından soruldu

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1) They make people happy Computers are meant to make our lives easier. This is harder to achieve when the device in question keeps popping up messages from its anti-virus software and hiding essential features behind a baffling new operating system. Macs are simple to use and incredibly reliable, which is why they've scored the highest in customer satisfaction surveys for ten years straight. 2) They come packed with useful software When you get your shiny new machine home the first thing you want to do is use it. With a PC this will take a little time as out-of-the-box Windows 8 has hardly any useful, quality apps. In fact manufacturers are paid to include trials and various useless software that can be hard to uninstall. A Mac arrives loaded with the excellent iLife package, a powerful mail client, and very soon the full iWork online package - all for free. Read Mac Desktop reviews iLife comes free with every Mac and includes iPhoto (for editing photos), iMovie (for editing movies) and GarageBand (allowing you to make music on your Mac). 3) They offer good value for money One criticism often aimed at Macs is that they are too expensive. Certainly they're not cheap, but that's because they only use quality components, which often compare favourably against PCs at a similar price. Add to that the aforementioned software, plus the fact that Apple optimise both hardware and software to get the most out of a machine, and you end up with a bargain. Read also Which Mac 4) They don’t run Windows 8 When Microsoft released its brand new version of Windows it was greeted with a collective "Why would you do that to us?" cry from the majority of its users. The touch-centric, unintuitive interface made PCs much harder to use, especially older machines. In contrast, OS X Mountain Lion is a polished, elegant experience, with the upcoming Mavericks looking to refine the design even further. [Update: OS X Mavericks review] 5) They do run Windows 8 If you are hesitant in switching to a Mac because of certain Windows software that you absolutely need, then fret not. Windows runs on a Mac, and it does so rather well. In fact pretty much any modern operating system can. Even Linux inventor Linus Torvalds famously uses a Macbook Air as his daily machine. The Mac is able to run pretty much any modern operating system including Windows 8 and Linux. 6) The Apple Store Every computer, at some point in its life, will have a problem or two. On a PC you'll most likely need to find a repair shop and hope for the best. With a Mac you pop online, book a slot with an Apple Genius, then take it to the store where Mac specialists will find the solution, often for free. Troubleshoot most Mac problems at your local Apple store: make an appointment with a genius, and the answer is often free. 7) Accessibility Macs have always come with plenty of ways to enable accessibility for users with special requirements. By selecting from the menu in System Preferences you can enable voice control, screen zooms, high contrast displays, have your Mac read out any text to you, or flash the screen when a message arrives. 8) They don’t get viruses Viruses on Macs are as rare as pictures of Miley Cyrus without her tongue sticking out. Windows on the other hand is akin to the battle of Helm's Deep, with virus-laden orcs bombarding the stronghold in relentless fashion. Only Norton the bold or McAfee the white can save them now. 9) The Trackpad While Windows 8 is designed around a touchscreen interface, Macs have an incredible range of simple to use trackpad gestures that make navigating the system fast and friendly. They also have the best trackpad on any laptop by an absolute mile, which is very important if you consider how often you use one on a daily basis. ingilizce biliyorsanız yardımcı olacaktır

15 Haziran 2014 esprinefes Deneyimli (8,140 puan) tarafından cevaplandı

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