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How do I find out my administrator user name & password

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Cok ozur dilerim bir arkadaşım bunu Apple icin yazdı. Size onu gönderiyorum. User name kullandigim isimleri kabul etmiyor. Amerika, Romanya ve Turkiye;deki Apple teknik servislerine telefon ettim. Hala user name nedir bulamadım. Bana yardim ederseniz memnun olurum. To Whom It May Concern: I have 2 MacBook Pro computers, first MacBook Pro (Serial Number: SW891362971A) I booth it 10 years ago and is still working. The second MacBook Pro (Serial Number: C02QH099G8WM) I bought date: 2015.10.15 Also last year I bought IPad Air (Serial Number DMPMD2JWF4YJ), long time I am using iPod too. My First MacBook Pro (Serial Number: SW891362971A) and IPod never give me problems Almost 4 weak ago I begin to have problems with my second MacBook Pro (Serial Number: C02QH099G8WM) which I bought date: 2015.10.15 After Software Update I lost so many programs and folders. Bootcamp, Skype, Forklift, Hoyle Card Games, Hoyle Puzzle Games and Printers & Scanners doesn’t work. Two important folders deleted, all time ask me User Name and Password. I try to use different Username and Password but didn’t work. How I can find Username and Password to work? I’m not able to use my IPAD Air because they don’t approve my password which I’m using now. How I can solve this problem? I could buy a new IPAD Air with the money that spend for telephone conversations about solving the problem. My last phone call to the USA lasted at least 3 hours when I tried to solve the connection with the computer I bought last year. (Case Number: 100153162089 Ann L Apple Inc. T2 IOS Senior Advisor Tel: 877-203-0418 ext. 1163033) Bootcamp 1- Apple 2- System Preferences 3- Startup Disk 4- Click the lock to make changes. 5- System Preferences is trying to unlock the Startup Disk preferences. Enter an administrator’s name and password to allow this. User Name: ………………………… Password: ………………………… Before if I want use Bootcamp Windows, Just the ask me Password. Not User Name. I try User Name and Password. Didn’t work. What can I do? Printers & Scanners 1- Apple 2- System Preferences 3- Printers & Scanners 5- Click the lock to make changes. 6- System Preferences is trying to unlock the Printers & Scanners preferences. Enter an administrator’s name and password to allow this. User Name: ………………………… Password: ………………………… I try User Name and Password. Didn’t work. What can I do? Sound 1- Keyboard 2- Was F11 key for Sound down, now clear windows. If Fn + F11 Sound down. 3- Was F12 key for Sound up, now Calendar. If Fn + F12 Sound up. How I can change F11 and F12 Keys? I’m 84 years old. I have been using apple computer for ten years. I have two MacBook Pro, IPAD Air and IPOD. I live in Sweden and sometimes in Hungary or Romania. I don’t speak the languages of these three countries, I am not good in English either. I don’t know much about computers but I thing that MacBook Pro is the best computer all over the world. I spend most of my time using these computers, please help me to can use my MacBook Pro and IPAD Air working because I need them very much. Best Regards. Mehmet Ali Celepsoy Electrical Engineer
17 Aralık 2017 Mac Ailesi kategorisinde celepsoy Yeni Kullanıcı (330 puan) tarafından soruldu

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