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Kullanıcı: lilyzoe324

Üyelik zamanı: 3 hafta (since 17 Aralık 2024)
Tür: Kayıtlı kullanıcı
Adınız? Size nasıl hitap edilsin?: Lily Zoe
Nerede yaşıyorsunuz?: 1508 fox squirrel dr
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Kendiniz hakkında kısa bilgi: Hi, I am Lily Zoe, working as a product manager in Sagacia Jewelry for the last five years. Sagacia Jewelry is a US-based company based in India that caters to the needs of its clients. Sagacia Jewelry is always valued for its exquisite products and intricate craftsmanship. We have a wide selection of gemstone silver jewelry and other jewelry like Garnet Pendant that is ethically sourced from the most reliable sources. Each piece of jewelry made at our facility bears the tag of authenticity and is created with much care. In addition, we aim to serve our customers the best and give them exclusive member benefits so that they can have a memorable shopping experience.

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Puanları: 100 puan (9,631. sırada)
Başlık: Yeni Kullanıcı
Soruları: 0
Cevapları: 0
Yorumları: 0
Oyları: 0 soru, 0 cevap
Verdiği Oylar: 0 artı oy, 0 eksi oy
Aldığı Oylar: 0 artı oy, 0 eksi oy

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